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Did Someone Say Multiple Orgasms?

Here’s some great news for all the women out there who say they never experience multiple orgasms: now you can! Following a recent study, it has been revealed that there is a certain technique to achieving that ‘oh my god I think my brain might just explode’ type of pleasure. Read on.

OMGYES who also provided the public with exceptionally helpful (if you are a guy) video tutorials on how to make a woman climax, has recently released a study that can simplify the process of achieving multiple orgasms. Together Debby Herbenick and OMGYES conducted a study, of which surveyed 1,055 women aged between 18 and 95. The results showed that 47% of women had multiple orgasms.

A GIF of Amy Schemer
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We know there will be tons of women reading this that do not ordinarily experience the bliss of multiple orgasms, and will no doubt be wondering how the hell 47% of women could accomplish such a feat. The answer is simple: most of the women who got theirs were not in possession of a variety of sex toys. They simply used a different technique following the first orgasm in order to achieve the second, and yes, the third.

A GIF of Meg Ryan faking orgasm
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So ladies, if you wish (as we all do) to achieve those multiple orgasms, just mix up your technique after the first orgasm. Sticking with the same pattern and rhythm is unlikely to do the trick. According to Metro News, OMGYES said: “Right after orgasm, 53% of women who have multiples go back to earlier motions – less sensitive or slower. Then, many rebuild to the second orgasm by modifying the techniques that worked to get the first orgasm.”

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OMGYES also added, “The big insight many women discover (often later in life) is to treat the body after the first orgasm like it’s a whole new body, with different likes and dislikes.”