Are guys really all about that bass? It turns out than men prefer curvy women to skinny women but to a certain extent. A recent study by the University of Texas at Austin published in Evolution and Human behavior, revealed that men do find women with more curves most attractive. It is not the curves that you think such as; Big breasts or a big ass. Instead, the study showed that when researchers presented 100 men photos of women’s bodies, each having a different angled spine curvature, the men found the images with a larger angle more attractive. Isn’t this quite interesting?

Psychologist David Lewis at Bilkent University conducted a second study to this theory. He wanted to find out if the men actually preferred bigger bums, or just the 45.5 degree spine curvature. 200 men were reviewed images of different bodies, all with different spine curvatures and differing buttock sizes. This resulted in that Men preferred the images with the optimal spinal curve, regardless of the butt size which showed to us that men prefer women who exhibit specific angles of spinal curvature over buttock mass.
The researchers agree that this discovery reveals a biological preference at play, because the women with the optimal spine curves were more likely to carry the weight of a baby during pregnancy, and therefore, make more suitable mates. “Men who preferred these women would have had mates who were better able to provide for fetus and offspring, and who would have been able to carry out multiple pregnancies without injury”. Lewis stated in the UT press release.
Maybe they should change the song to “All About That 45 Degree Spinal Curve?” The images give a misconception to the men because they are leaded to believe that they are seeing curves in the image but really they are seeing the angle of a spine curvature.
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