Emma Watson Gives Up Acting For A Year

On Friday it was confirmed that Emma Watson has decided to take a break from acting for an entire year! Why is this? It is so she can take a step back, have some down time and pretty much just be her age for a bit, she is only 25 after all. This is unfortunate news, however just as we were in beginning to come to terms with an Emma-less 12 months, a new wave of emotion has taken over. Emma has revealed what she’ll be doing during her year off and it sounds pretty perfect to us. She wants to chill out and read a book every week.

Image Via Cosmopolitain.com
Image Via Cosmopolitain.com

The actress said, during an interview with American author Bell Hooks, ‘I know that you read a book a day. My own personal task is to read a book a week, and also to read a book a month as part of my book club. I’m doing a huge amount of reading and study just on my own,’

The revelation has sent Twitter into a green-eyed stupour with women fantasising about actually having time to read loads of books. Emma also said that she considered doing more studying during her year break, but then realised that her actual doing was probably better. ‘I almost thought about going and doing a year of gender studies, then I realised that I was learning so much by being on the ground and just speaking with people and doing my reading.’

This is an awesome life she has right there. Aren’t we all jealous? It is amazing how she just chooses to give a break on acting to sit down, chill and read all day. That is living the dream life whilst we are out struggling to make a living.