Group Holiday Guide

The idea of going away with your friends may sound super exciting at first until you later realised it may turn into a disaster. The people who you believe you’ve known for ages and have become such good friends with over time may reveal a completely different side you never expected when it comes down to booking a trip away. Here are a couple of tips you should be mindful of when booking a  group trip abroad.

Unreliable people come in all shapes and forms. These are the people that generally had no  genuine  intention of going on holiday in the first instance however they will wait up until the night before of paying the deposit and then suddenly pull out of the trip. Make sure every one of the trip is on the same page about what exactly is going on. The people that tend to have the least to say about what they have planned during the trip are the ones that are most likely to let you down.

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Broke people– Being a young adult does sometimes mean that you won’t always have your finances all the way together. Make sure when booking a trip all your friends have stable income and can afford to travel. If you have friends that struggle paying with general things such as their monthly phone bill avoid booking a holiday with them. In some circumstance you’ll get left with having to pay off their part of the trip if they eventually drop out after paying a deposit.

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Timekeeping- when booking a holiday especially a big trip away there are sometimes set rules of guideless in place. For instance regularly deposit payments may be scheduled   for a particular time each month. It’s important to book with friends who are just as organised as you. Getting to the airport and making your flight is only half the battle. One person’s terrible time keeping can possible affect the whole group.

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I hope these tips have helped and you will be extra cautious when considering which friends to travel with.

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