How To Apply Eyeliner To Every Eye Shape

Do you ever sit in front of the mirror, totally bemused at the fact that 30 minutes has passed, and your eyeliner hasn’t created the same Olivia Wilde look you were aiming for? Help is on its way – here’s how to line your eyes for every eye shape.

1.Round EyesMila Kunis

                      Mila Kunis Has Beautiful Round Eyes (Image:

For those of you with round eyes, the idea is to create a more glamorous and slightly mysterious look. This can be achieved by lengthening the eyes. No, I don’t mean by using some freaky and ancient pain-filled technique. Simply line the upper lash line, adding an extended wing at the outer corners. Blending black liner into the upper and lower lash lines will also create the desired effect.

2. Almond Shaped Eyesangelina-jolie-77-1746-2387

                      Angelina Jolie’s Awesome Almond-Shaped Eyes (Image: 4.bp)

If you have this eye shape you can relax when it comes to eyeliner effects, as anything goes (within reason) and it will look great. To emphasize your shape, start at the inner corner with a very thin line, and gradually thicken it to the outer corner. If you choose to add a wing, stop just before the outer corner. To create your wing draw the liner upwards, then apply another line at the very corner, and colour in the gap. The bottom lash line is also fair game.

3.Hooded Eyes  70c34f28e5279d9552917894a6d2098a                           Selena Gomez Has Stunning Hooded Eyes (Image: Pinterest) 

There are several options for eyes with a hooded appearance. Using liquid eyeliner may be easier than a pencil. To achieve a more rounded look, thicken the liner in the centre of the eye, and then thin it out at the corners. Doing this gives the eyes a more curved illusion. This look requires no liner on the bottom lashes. Do you prefer the mysterious or cat-eye effect? Just opt for a thick and extended wing to create the optimum shape. Simple!

4.Down-Turned EyesUma Thurman

                  Uma Thurman With Beautiful Down Turned Eyes (Image: Pinterest)

The general idea is to make this shape appear lifted. Firstly, pencil the inner corners with a light coloured pencil. Next, find the point where your eye’s arch is the highest, and begin drawing the liner on the lash line beneath. Drawing slightly outward and upwards when you reach the outer corners will create an immediately lifted and eye-opening appearance. Remember to avoid the lower lash line at all costs as this will counteract the effect.

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