Yep, it’s almost that time again – New Year’s Eve. As usual we all sit down and make some well-meaning New Year’s resolutions, with a half hearted intention of keeping them – until that dwindles away a week or so into January. If you want to keep those New Year resolutions but you just don’t have the will power to back it up, we have some expert advice on how to maintain your self-discipline and nail those good intentions, until they become a reality!
1.Use Apps To Achieve Your Goals
That’s right, the World of tech has never been better, and now you can even download an app to fulfil your goals. The app ‘’ will help you with whatever you wish to achieve – whether it is learning a new skill, changing your career or simply forming a new habit. This app is awesome!
2.For People Who Want To Lose Weight
There are several ways your resolution to lose weight in 2016 will be infinitely more successful than in previous years. Firstly, make this your only goal in order to keep focused. Secondly download an app such as ‘Myfitnesspal.’ This app tracks your calorie intake, provides you with a diet plan and even offers nutritional information on over 2000000 foods!
3.For Financial Stability
We could all do with a little more money, or a bit of assistance when it comes to our monthly expenses, and the app ‘Mint’ will do just that. This app will take away the stress of budgeting, managing your money, and paying bills.
4.For Every Other New Year’s Resolution

There are many things you can do to ensure that you don’t let your goal slip through the net this year. Apps are a great help – particularly Pocket Evernote that will give you reminders, allow you to make notes and keep you organised. Once you choose your goal, go public, letting everyone know of what you intend to do. This will give you added incentive not to give up. Celebrate mini milestones with little rewards for the progress you have made, any never reflect over past failed attempts. Instead, consider how different your life will be once this goal is achieved. Doing this will dispel negativity, activating your subconscious mind to make changes for the better.
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