The eldest of the Kardashians recently shared her new year’s resolutions with her fans on her blog on Wednesday the 30th December 2015. To view the blog post you have to be an exclusive member of her website in order to gain access. However continue reading to find out what she had to say.
‘I haven’t made New Year’s resolutions for as long as I can remember,’ the 36-year-old wrote. ‘However since I have made a lot of changes this year, writing down my resolutions felt important to do.’ According to the reported the following ‘She writes that she wants to allow herself to “feel” her emotions and “to travel and be adventurous. “She also wants “to live more in the present and less on [her] phone,” “to continue on the workout mission that [she] started this year,” “to continue to straighten [her] relationship with Jesus,” and to “refocus [her] priorities, making sure that [she] is high on the list (children, God, me, family above all else…).”

It seems as though Kourtney has a really positive outlook for the year and simply wants to focus on herself which is great.

The 36 year old is mother to three kids Mason 6, Penelope 3 and Reign 1, who she had with Scott Disick. News broke in July 2015 that the couple would no longer remain together despite spending nine years with each other. Keeping up with the Kardashian fans will already be aware of the ongoing issues between within their relationship.

To gain access to her regular exclusive blog post, Sign up at Once you’ve unlocked her world post such as her live streams, exclusive videos to her fans and her personal blog posts such as her new year’s resolutions will be accessible to you.It’s free for seven days then $2.99 a month after the introductory period. This is equivalent to £2.02.
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