Lee Stafford irons
Sourced via: leestaffordelectricals.com

Rock Awesome Hair With Lee Stafford’s Coco Loco Irons

People are going crazy for Lee Stafford’s newly launched Coco Loco Irons. In fact, there has been so much hype surrounding these irons we thought we check them out too. We have to say that Lee Stafford’s irons come with several special features that take them to the top of the list.

Lee Stafford’s Coco Loco range is highly impressive and his new Coco Loco Irons are truly amazing. If you are tired of irons that take way too long to straighten, and appear almost straight at best by lunchtime, if you are fed up of taking more than one hair tool on holiday then look no further – these irons really have got what it takes to keep you smiling each time you glance in the mirror.

Lee Stafford Coco Loco Irons Are Infused With Coconut Oil

Lee Stafford electrical
           Sourced via: leestaffordelectricals.com

Coconut oil has been used for centuries for its exceptionally beneficial qualities when applied to hair and skin. Combining vitamins and essential fatty acids, coconut oil will provide optimum health, strength, and thickness to the hair. Lee Stafford has cleverly invented irons infused with coconut oil – which means each time you use them you will discover luxuriously, soft and sleek locks.

They Will Get Your Hair Straight, Straight, Straight

Lee Stafford irons
               Sourced via: leestaffordelectricals.com

Remember when Rachel from Friends announced her hair was ‘Straight, straight, straight’? Lee Stafford’s irons will do just that, and then some. You will be amazed at how quickly and how incredibly straight your hair will look.

These Irons Will Also Create Many Other Styles

Lee Stafford irons
            Sourced via: leestaffordelectricals.com

Should you choose to opt for another style besides staight, Lee Stafford’s irons will also cater for this. Designed with curved edges, these versatile irons can create flicks and curls with minimal effort required.

For natural curls firstly take a small section of hair and begin curling from mid-length to the end. Next wrap the hair once around the bottom plate, and then gently close the plates. Maintaining this closed position, gently move the iron down the hair, rotating outwards, making sure you pull the hair through the plates as you style.

Suitable For All Hair Types And Offer Variable Heat- The heat up time is very quick indeed, enabling you to choose whatever temperature suits your hair. The temperature ranges between 120 – 200 degrees. Furthermore, the irons come with floating plates, which basically means your hair will glide with ease, without fear of ripping, tearing, or snagging – just perfection.

Lee Stafford Coco Loco Irons are a real investment. They come with a two year guarantee and cost only £49.99.

You can view all of Lee Stafford’s electrical range at: www.leestaffordelectricals.com.



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