Put an end to sparse eyebrows and eyelashes that barely fit through your eyelash curler, with the highly regarded AQ Lash – Eyelash & Eyebrow Enhancement System.
There’s no need to repeatedly visit the beauticians for costly eyebrow and lash treatments. There’s a reason AQ Skin Solutions is a multi-award-winning brand. We tried the AQ Lash System and we’re hooked!
Lash’s safe and natural serum has been specifically formulated to ensure effective restoration of your eyebrows and eyelashes by encouraging production of the hair matrix. By regularly applying this treatment, Lash can aid in achieving fuller, longer and stronger lashes and brows, whilst diminishing the chance of breakage that you might otherwise discover with alternative lash enhancing products (of which often contain harsh chemicals).
What Makes AQ Lash Special?

The AQ Skin Solutions Lash is a totally safe treatment that utilises their patented growth factor technology – this has been shown to help acquire fuller and stronger brows/lashes.
Unlike other products, AQ Lash’s serum does not contain harsh chemicals, irritating preservatives or prostaglandins and furthermore, it will not affect eye colour or tint the eye lids (phew). Even better, AQ Lash combines the natural preservative honeysuckle flower extract to guarantee the gentlest ingredients for your delicate eye area.
We tested the AQ Lash System for 3 weeks and were astounded at the results. Included is a small bottle of solution and disposable foam-tipped wands (much like ear buds). This makes application completely sterile every time and offers easy-to-use and fast application, literally taking just moments out of your day to apply. Simply add one drop to the wand and swipe along your eyebrow line, as well as upper and lower lash lines. Use the same wand for both the brows and lashes then discard. Et voila! (One point to remember – always ensure your makeup is fully removed and the area to be treated is clean.
Within 1 week lashes appeared both longer and stronger. By the end of week 2, eyebrow hair showed good improvement.
Verdict: Fruk loves this!

Key Points:
1.Formulated with patented Growth Factor technology (U.S. Pat. 8,518,879)
2.Does not contain harsh chemicals or preservatives (such as phosphate, lead, etc.), which may cause adverse effects on the eyes or eyelids
3.Contains NO prostaglandins (glaucoma drugs)
4.Will not change the color of eyes or tint eyelid
5.Disposable applicators uniquely designed for AQ Lash
6.Paraben-Free, Sulcate-Free, Phthalate-Free, Animal-Cruelty Free

AQ Lash States:
“Dr. Ahmed Al-Qahtani was inspired to start AQ Skin Solutions by his extensive work in medical applications of Growth Factors (GF) for healing wounded tissue and creating artificial skin grafts. He applied his knowledge and experience in growth factor biotechnology to develop a process for producing the highest quality GF media available, which contains only those growth factors that have been identified as the most effective for improving the appearance of skin and the full look of hair, in the exact quantities and combinations needed for fast, unprecedented results. Dr. Al-Qahtani s GF technology is covered by numerous U.S. patents pending as of 2010.”
“Dr. Al-Qahtani is renowned for employing the latest research and technology to pioneer medical breakthroughs for regenerating diseased organ tissue. Combining research with his advanced clinical knowledge, he has introduced some of the most innovative skin care products in the world.”
AQ Lash System is priced at £149.99 and is available to buy at: www.aqskinsolutions.co.uk
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