The Advantages Of Having A Short-Tempered Friend

Its always-hard work when you have a friend with whom you are always treading carefully. You have to stay clear of difficult conversations, avoid travelling together on long car journeys, and never piss her off! That said, a short-tempered mate is not necessarily all doom and gloom. Here are some very good points for having a short-fused pal.

1.Dining out is greatThe Arch, LondonThe Arch (Image: Google)

Short-tempered people are great when eating out (unless, of course you say something to set them off). In a nutshell our friend won’t accept shoddy service, or over-priced and under-cooked food. As long as you stay on their good side, you will be eating a spectacular meal at the best table and in a reasonable amount of time. However, should your friend’s temper be a tad OTT, it might be a good idea to check your meal for bodily fluids, supplied by disgruntled employees.

2.No queue for the club2895630069_9fe1fde829_bNo More Queuing (Image: Flickr)

A tetchy mate will never have to wait for hours on end to get into a club. Irritability and impatience go hand-in-hand, so if you don’t want to hang around at the back of the queue, make sure on Saturday night you invite Miss/Mr quick-tempered.

3.For cancelling that pricey and unnecessary insurance4597945342_f70bec5677_bNo More Added Costs (Image: Flickr)

Do you dislike confrontation? Have you been paying through the nose for all of those extras that the insurance company rudely and sneakily stamped on your policy? If the answer is yes, this is where your irascible friend comes in. Instead of spending 2 hours on the phone, failing miserably at putting a stop to your added insurance costs, simply call in a favour from your mate. Within minutes you can guarantee that he/she will have your premium cut in half. Awesome.

4.For stopping that relentless cold callerFriends with Mobile PhonesNo More Irritating Calls (Image: Wikipedia)

We’ve all had the ugly experience of having to deal with the same cold caller phoning up day and night, inevitably at the worst possible times. Your short-tempered friend will have a Marvel superhero power of putting an end to this problem, for good. A few quick words and the cold caller will probably consider blocking you.