The mysterious car appeared outside Harrods department store yesterday morning /Twitter

Would You Seek Revenge?

It was all over social media, you may have noticed a previously mint Range Rover that bore the brunt of a betrayed spouse’s rage. The scorned lover had set to the vehicle with orange spray paint, covering the unfortunate man’s vehicle in written rage. You go girl!

The mysterious car appeared outside Harrods department store yesterday morning /Twitter
The mysterious car appeared outside Harrods department store yesterday morning /Twitter

This has led us to take a look at some of the ways in which people have took revenge on their cheating spouses. We shouldn’t laugh, but…!

1.The One Where She Cleaned The Toilet

Toothbrush in toilet
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Many people (including one person here at FRUK) have sought revenge for cheating in this manner. It basically involves taking the philanderer’s toothbrush and using it as a handy toilet cleaner, before returning it back to the toothbrush holder, as if nothing had ever happened. A tad harsh, maybe.

2.The One With The Hair Removal

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A man phoned the TV programme, This Morning and announced he had discovered his partner was cheating, and so filled a bottle of conditioner with hair removal cream (and a few sprays of his aftershave to disguise the smell). The betrayer then had a long soak in the bath with the ‘conditioner’ on his head. Apparently it worked like a dream – or alopecia! Pure evil, but also very well thought out.

3.The One With The Chilli- Another lady we know found out her husband of eight years had been doing the dirty. She pretended everything was fine, cooked his favourite meal, but added a little something extra – the hottest chilli in the world. As expected, the man was ill for several hours.

4.The One With The Laxatives

A GIF of Transporting film
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Someone announced on This Morning that upon discovering the philandering ways of her boyfriend, she added a hefty amount of laxatives to her partner’s food. You wouldn’t want to upset this lady.

5.The One With The Profile

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In recent months social media reported a case whereby a woman realised her partner was using Tinder, and so got her own back by changing his profile, to one that was rather derogatory and highly embarrassing. Ouch!