Liz Olusesan Your Best Life 2020
Liz Olusesan

2020 Guide To Living Your Best Life

I decided to launch this new page due to popular demand and because I felt it was time to personally give back. Sharing fashion tips, wellness, travel, beauty and of course some amazing giveaways as well as encouraging some of you to make that big move this 2020. Its time to take charge and not only live your best life but also take that unapologetic step forward.

From being a newbie wife to constantly working, travelling as well as maintaining this platform amongst others. I get questions about how I stay fit, my skincare routine, and more. So I decided to create Your Best Life, a curated experience and destination for all things fabulous. All those things we’re always thinking about but not comfortable to talk about to those things we actually know but need a little reminder, well, this is where we spill it all.

Honestly, I feel we can learn one or two from each other along the way. So here’s my 10 best pieces of advice to start this new era living your best life possible. And all this is achievable with the right mindset, focus and consistency.

Liz Olusesan Your Best Life 2020
Liz Olusesan

1. What do you want?

You don’t have to be great to start but you do have to start to be great. You can’t create something if you don’t know what you want. It’s time to set a purpose, target, anything really that’ll help you manifest your goals. You can start by writing a list of 5-10 big objectives you wish to manifest this year and stick it on your wardrobe or fridge for daily reminder.

2. Change up your routine

Allow me to tell you a little secret, I’m not a morning person. And this is thanks to late nights constantly working on my craft and researching but I’ve realised it’s time to change it up a bit. It’s truly important to set a daily timeline and ditch that phone or laptop before bed time.

3. Plan

Rome wasn’t built in a day so clearly work takes time. Building yourself or your brand will take time. So why not plan your way forward once you’ve established your objectives and purpose in life. Do your research on exactly what you want to do, structure your finance and put yourself forward.

4. Focus

Now you’ve established what you want or want to do. However, energy flows where attention goes; so, to get what you really want in life, you need to set a clear goal with meaning and purpose. Remember you’ve already set a plan in motion, now it’s time to push yourself – this way you get to focus your energy on what drives you. Whether its finding a better job, starting a business, relationship or health? Anything is possible if you put your mind to it and if you’re willing to focus and take action. For me, Ill be spending the first 10-20 minutes of my day being thankful, and focusing my energy on the goal of the day.

5. Set Boundaries

You got to set boundaries. Setting boundaries will not only protect you physically, emotionally but also sexually and financially. Empower yourself to know your worth, values and limit. While, building your confidence as well as establishing relationships that is good for you. It’s time to protect your energy this year. Surround yourself with people that uplift, encourage and motivate you. Positive vibes only this 2020.

6. Be part of Something

Whether it’s volunteering your time, charity work, joining a dance class or even a book club. It’s time to be part of something this year. Personally, I will say involving yourself in something that actually inspires you to be a better person and enables you to give back.

7. Health & Fitness

From hitting the gym regularly to let off steam to maintaining a rich diet can set you up on a great path this year. Eating right, exercising, whether it’s skating, yoga or dancing are a few incredible ways to increase your happy hormone (dopamine) naturally. Furthermore, there are several amazing ways to reduce stress as well as relax your body and mind for the ultimate year ahead.

8. Explore

Travelling and exploring the world is so important. Exploring different cultures, languages and food can be soothing. However, if that’s not do-able due to finances or other, then indulge in the next best thing. Netflix and chill with your loved one, plan date nights, explore new spots, cinema with your girls or just booking a pamper session at the spa once a month. All these are very important in living your best life possible.

Liz Olusesan West Palm Beach /Palm Trees travel
Liz Olusesan / West Palm Beach

9. Sleep

Nothing like a good night rest, even some short naps if possible will totally help you recharge. Reduce your time on social media, ditch your phone before bed time to help reflect on the day and organise for the next day. Ultimately getting enough sleep is not only good for your entire well being but also great for your skin.

10. Self Love

While we do our best to practice self love and live our lives to the fullest each day, there’s always going to be hiccups here and there. That being said, minor setbacks leads to major comebacks. So learn from your mistakes and move on. Leave last decade’s clutter and complications in 2019.

Finally, prioritise these objectives like your life depends on it. And as we go into 2020, let’s go with a positive mindset and push ourselves to do better, be happier, richer, more loving, caring, forgiving and healthier. Remember that you got to be the change you want to see and keep pushing yourself to be the best you can be.