Kanye West
Sourced via: wired.com

Kanye West Is Improving Following Hospitalisation

The 39-year-old rapper Kanye West, is doing much better following his recent hospitalisation, sources say.  Kanye was hospitalised on Monday in Los Angeles for exhaustion, just hours after he cancelled his 2016 Saint Pablo tour.

The Los Angeles Police Department responded to a call at the house of Mr. West’s personal trainer, following an altercation. Apparently, the situation was deemed a ‘medical emergency’ and was then passed to the Los Angeles Fire Department.

According to news sources, the call had come from Kanye’s Doctor, and that after two hours of negotiations, Kanye was willingly taken to the U.C.L.A Medical Center to be assessed.

Concern for the rapper began to grow over recent days, due to Mr. West’s erratic behavior and outbursts. Onstage in Sacramento on Saturday evening, Kanye broke out into a troubling speech, whereby he blasted friends such as Beyoncé and Jay Z, spoke about the Black Movement and then announced his approval of Donald Trump’s speech style, before leaving abruptly.

Two nights previous to this event, Kanye upset fans at his concert in San Jose by declaring his support for Trump.

On learning of Kanye’s hospitalisation, sources state that Kim Kardashian who was attending the New York Angel Ball, flew straight back to the Los Angeles hospital to be by her husband’s side.

Kanye and Kim
       Sourced via: people.com

According to ET recent news reports, Kanye is ‘doing better,’ and Kanye’s mother-in-law, Kris Jenner had stated, “I think he’s just exhausted,” and “It’s been a gruelling tour.”

Apparently a source told People magazine that Kim Kardashian has been by Kanye’s side day and night. Adding that: “Of course he’s getting the support that he needs right now. Family and friends are around. Kim is being amazing. As are all of his friends and team and inner circle.”

Our thoughts are with Kanye and his family, and we hope he continues to rest and make a full recovery.